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Tests handling of bit 20 in NV097_SET_CONTROL0.
Suite class def


Renders two pairs of quads, each of which have interesting W parameters. The quads are textured with a checkerboard pattern. The left quads have bit 20 unset. The right have it set.

Image with alpha
Test result for Texture_perspective_enable::TexPerspective_Textured
Image as seen on display
No alpha test result for Texture_perspective_enable::TexPerspective_Textured


Renders two pairs of quads, each of which have interesting W parameters. The quads are not textured. The left quads have bit 20 unset. The right have it set.

Image with alpha
Test result for Texture_perspective_enable::TexPerspective_Untextured
Image as seen on display
No alpha test result for Texture_perspective_enable::TexPerspective_Untextured